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viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


According to Leymah Gbowee ( african peace activist) who offered a translation of Ubuntu " I am who I am because of who we all are".
Ubuntu, a South African philosophy focuses on the relationship among people and how they behave toward each other in order to obtain a full degree of harmonity within the group.
Some of the premises of this philophy are:
  • Extended family is important: " I belong, Therefore I am"
  • Decisions by consensus
  • Social Harmony is important
  • Rewards are shared as well as suffering
This philosophy has been present in the African community, where they have higher respect for the ones surrounding them, for their family, friends. thinking as a whole, they highlight the importance of having and maintaining good relationships with others and only that way a person would become a person.

The western culture has much of a self-interest and self-achievement thought without regarding others and without taking into account that maybe consolidating as a whole not as individuals would be benefical for the improvement of our culture.
I the following video, Bill Clinton refers to Archbishop Tutu in order to explain the word " Ubuntu" in order to get people conscious and aware about the importance of this african philosophy.

Regarding the value of this concept in the African culture, The Ubuntu Mission has been created in order to guide and help people and business leaders to have greater commitment trust and understanding toward others.

Now, Organizations should take this approach, in a way that managers have a higher degree of understanding, trust and faith in their employees providing a confiance environment so that way employees can be able to accomplish their tasks properly and improve their skills feeling secure in the environment they move making the company achieve higher standars of development and labour maximization.


Mangaliso,Mzamo.2003. Building competitive advantage from Ubuntu

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