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martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


Today I am going to talk about Metaphors used as international strategies to promote a product from Colombia in Foreign marktes.

First of all I want to give some dfeinitions and examples of what a metaphor is.
A metaphor is " a figure of speech in which and implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common " ( taken from About.com).
This type of figure is often used in the literature area, as in our daily basis and even in the marketing field.
In the Marketing field, metaphors are very used in order to promote products, ideas, services, nevertheless, these types of metaphors can be misunderstood damaging ideas of clients and possible customers.
For that reason is really important to take into account that metaphors can be very useful if you use them correctly and select clearly the message you want to transmit.

Now I want to give an example of one possible metaphor that could be used when promoting a product. Let's guess that I am trying to promote latin dancing classes in North America and in Europe. In order to do that I want to use some advertising so that way people can feel attracted to this specific service.
I would use the following phrase " Latin Dancing, Feel the Latin culture inside of you". That way possible consumers in Europe and North America would feel like if they take dancing classes they would be immersed on the latin culture at the same time that they are acquiring some Latin features. This metaphor can fit properly to the service its being promoted because it creates a feeling or an idea that if people take these classes they will be having more knowledge about the latin culture.
This metaphor can be very useful when approaching latin clients in other marktes different of the latin one. That way they would feel like they are in home and they would feel even more the latin culture that is already inside of them.

Taken from:


About.com: Grammar & composition

1 comentario:

  1. Valetina, You are doing a good job on your blog. It´s interesting and eyecatching.
