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viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


The IOM ( International organization for migration) is an inter-governmental agency which mission since its creation in 1951 has been working on providing secure and reliable services for thhose who require international migraton assistance, protecting and searching for effective respect for the Human right of Migrants in accordance to international law.

One of the IOM functions is the IOM & Gender issues in which one of the focus point is the encouragement of women by increasing gender balance and supporting the advancement of women within this organization.
In order to accomplish women migrants inclusion they have developed several plans and programmes.
One of these programs is the "Migrant Women for development in Africa" (WMIDA). This programme supports West African Women migrants residing in Italy interested in stablish enterprises in their countries of origin using joint ventures with Italian Companies.
This programme is really important because it recognizes the role of women in local development, encouraging them to be entrepreneurs and to be succesful and not discriminated by their migrant status.

The IOM also safeguards policies that offer equal conditions and opportunities to migrate to both women and men reducing women vulnerability during migration. It is a fact that there is still some gender discriminations when talking about men migrant workers involved in skilled male-dominated jobs and women migrant workers usually involved in care and domestic services. The IOM is making efforts in order to have a more gender-sensitive labour migration policies.


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