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sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010


Nowadays, Corporations are not what they used to be. they have become in giant powerful entities thirsty for making more and more money every day.
With their legal figure, Corporations are able to have almost the same rights human beings have. Right such as selling, buying, having, among others which make them even stronger i the society because not only they have these rights but they just have one duty which is to generate revenues for the owners.

With Making profits as their only obligation, Corporations have been getting bigger and bigger , locating this duty as a priority and putting everything else on a second place. In other words, for them getting benefits is on the top of the list even above public and human being welfare, which involves damaging and not benefiting others external to the organization in order to achieve what they want.

for instance, not providing the right treatment to employees, clients, are consecuences of the damage caused by these powerful entities who do whatever they want without any punishment.

Publicity and promotion are also a way of deceiving because through media, corporations search for manipulating consumers
mind in order to gain market.

today more companies are being privatized coming from a subsidiary which served to the society to a private company which only serves to its owners. For that reason it is important for the society, victim of these huge corporations to not be influenced by them and to raise against the power of the corporations by not following what companies want people to do.
It is also important for Coroporations to start implementing policies that benefit more the society than their own good, for instance environmental policies to make the company eco-friendly, policies to benefit employees, among others, and that way, corporations would become humanized having not only as their principal goal to make profits but also to benefit society.


Achbar Mark, Abbot Jennifer and Bakon Joel.The corporation documentary, 2003
Video Taken form Youtube.com, 2010. Corporations vs The People - Fighting Corporate Rule

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


The IOM ( International organization for migration) is an inter-governmental agency which mission since its creation in 1951 has been working on providing secure and reliable services for thhose who require international migraton assistance, protecting and searching for effective respect for the Human right of Migrants in accordance to international law.

One of the IOM functions is the IOM & Gender issues in which one of the focus point is the encouragement of women by increasing gender balance and supporting the advancement of women within this organization.
In order to accomplish women migrants inclusion they have developed several plans and programmes.
One of these programs is the "Migrant Women for development in Africa" (WMIDA). This programme supports West African Women migrants residing in Italy interested in stablish enterprises in their countries of origin using joint ventures with Italian Companies.
This programme is really important because it recognizes the role of women in local development, encouraging them to be entrepreneurs and to be succesful and not discriminated by their migrant status.

The IOM also safeguards policies that offer equal conditions and opportunities to migrate to both women and men reducing women vulnerability during migration. It is a fact that there is still some gender discriminations when talking about men migrant workers involved in skilled male-dominated jobs and women migrant workers usually involved in care and domestic services. The IOM is making efforts in order to have a more gender-sensitive labour migration policies.



According to Leymah Gbowee ( african peace activist) who offered a translation of Ubuntu " I am who I am because of who we all are".
Ubuntu, a South African philosophy focuses on the relationship among people and how they behave toward each other in order to obtain a full degree of harmonity within the group.
Some of the premises of this philophy are:
  • Extended family is important: " I belong, Therefore I am"
  • Decisions by consensus
  • Social Harmony is important
  • Rewards are shared as well as suffering
This philosophy has been present in the African community, where they have higher respect for the ones surrounding them, for their family, friends. thinking as a whole, they highlight the importance of having and maintaining good relationships with others and only that way a person would become a person.

The western culture has much of a self-interest and self-achievement thought without regarding others and without taking into account that maybe consolidating as a whole not as individuals would be benefical for the improvement of our culture.
I the following video, Bill Clinton refers to Archbishop Tutu in order to explain the word " Ubuntu" in order to get people conscious and aware about the importance of this african philosophy.

Regarding the value of this concept in the African culture, The Ubuntu Mission has been created in order to guide and help people and business leaders to have greater commitment trust and understanding toward others.

Now, Organizations should take this approach, in a way that managers have a higher degree of understanding, trust and faith in their employees providing a confiance environment so that way employees can be able to accomplish their tasks properly and improve their skills feeling secure in the environment they move making the company achieve higher standars of development and labour maximization.


Mangaliso,Mzamo.2003. Building competitive advantage from Ubuntu